Toilet Training in Cats Explained

We have been reiterating this fact in each one of our blogs that adopting and taking care of a pet is as much a point of pleasure as it is a challenge. It is as much of a responsibility as is taking care of an infant; pet parents have to train and prepare their pets for social involvement and also train them for acceptable behavior and also impart a sense of hygiene in them.
However, the most essential component of pet care is to train a pet’s toilet habits. Litter training or toilet training is an essential constituent of the overall behavioral training of pets. However, it is important to remember that toilet training your cat is not too difficult or something that can be accomplished with too much labor. All it needs is a skill, consistency, time, some essential tools, and of course patience and a positive attitude. This toilet training process will mold your cat’s behavior and transition them into using the toilet gently and certainly cleanly for you. This toilet training process will mold your cat’s behavior and transition them into using the toilet gently and cleanly for you.
To start with move your cat’s litter box to a spot right next to the toilet. You have to make sure that your cat is comfortable using this litter box. Keep it there for as long as you feel it is needed for your cat to get used to the new spot. However, there is a possibility that your cat may get confused and he or she may find a place in your home to relieve themselves where they feel more secure. Also, there could be a couple of accidents, and it may be hard to break the bad habit. In such cases, let the behavior of your pet dictate when to advance to the next step. Therefore, it is important to go slow and show some flexibility.
You don’t want your cat to spill the litter around. Therefore, raise the height of the litter box gradually. Ensure that you have secured the litter box firm and tight with books or a stack of newspapers so that it doesn’t move when your cat jumps onto it.
Gradually move the litter box one inch closer to the toilet each day until the box is directly over the seat. Continue removing the litter from the box until there is only a thin layer, no more than one inch deep.
Replace your litter box with a sturdy “training box”. Make sure the training box can hold your cat’s weight. There are a few options for you here. You can either make your own or buy one of the numerous commercial training devices available on our website,
Clean out the litter after each use and add some catnip to the clean litter.
Then you can transition to your cat using only the toilet each time. Cut a hole in the wax paper or aluminum pan about one inch in the center and gradually increase the size of the hole until the cover is almost gone. As you are reducing the size of the cover, also reduce the amount of litter so that there is no litter when the paper or bowl is removed. Flush the toilet each time your cat uses it.
In animals as much as in humans, rewards act as positive reinforcement. Therefore, give your pet a treat every time she displays good behavior. Rewarding your cat for a job well done is essential to their success.